Friday, February 19, 2010

Far Out Flora Succulents, Bromeliads, and Unusual Plants

Far Out Flora Succulents, Bromeliads, and Unusual Plants: We (Matti and Megan) live in San Francisco next to Ocean Beach and Golden Gate Park, a half block from the N-Judah turnaround. We’re plant nerds, but not “experts” by any means. Succulents, bromeliads, carnivores and other weirdo plants are our faves. Both of us graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with art degrees. Originally from the great state of Wisconsin, we lived in Madison off of Willy Street for many years before moving to San Francisco about four years ago. Our favorite gardening quote by J.C. Raulston: “If you are not killing plants, you are not really stretching yourself as a gardener.”

Where on Facebook too.


  1. I have just read your entire guys are awesome! I love your succulents, broms, and moss...all of it!!! I will put you in my blogroll and be back often! I LOVE California guys are so lucky to live there!!! I am in south Florida. Come by and see my succulent tires! I have some collard plants in some right now, but still have three with succulents...and a screenroom full as well.

  2. Megan, thanks for dropping by my blog. Yes, moved to the Bay Area! Still looking for a place to call home, but would love some succulents when I settle.
    I spent a lot of time at the Golden Gate Park when I was here a few months ago. Used the N line lots. Love the Muni.
